Friday, December 28, 2012

Comics Club Comics! 2012 Edition

So you've had your holiday celebrations. So sit back, relax and read through some of these amazing comics from the talented members of the International School Hamburg's Comics Club:

Alessio from the Junior club created this amazing dream sequence

Jasmine from the intermediate course created this fantastic story. Expertly rendered, fantastic colour choices, fun story.

Luca from the intermediate course, unleashed his talent into this project. The colouring and detail in the scene is spot on and the transitions between the panels.

Luc Munich from the intermediate course came up with story with his pal Dean. The story looks pretty complex, look forward to seeing more.

Ophir worked on this comic over the course of a few days while she was on the holiday comics course. Incredible to say the least, the colouring is awesome, the inking and the character designs are superb!

Tommy from the junior club did took an assignment we were working on and ran with it. An incredibly complex story with lots of twists and turns. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012



Next week I have a special Comics Club planned. We are going celebrate the amazing artwork from each artist in the Comics Club. Both Junior and Intermediate comics club will be attending with their parents to celebrate works of each artist giving their unique artwork the spotlight.

Bring your creative mindset with you as we'll all be drawing alongside your kids once the presentations are over.

It's going to be rad as! See the flyer for all the details:

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Hey All,

This first part of comics club has been a blast and I thought I'd just catch you all up on what everyone's been up to.

So far the Intermediates have had lessons on more Realistic Faces as well as an awesome comics jam!

The Junior club has drawn amazing underwater scenes with Dolphins and Sharks, Character design and Profiles for their characters:

I left the Intermediate group a project to work on over the break. All finished comics will be made part of a .pdf that'll be hosted online for everyone to download and print out. Feel free to print this assignment out for your kids to do over the weeeks we are on break.

Looking foward to catching up after the break. Keep up the good work!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

My new website is now live

Hey all, a bit of shameless self promotion here.

My new site is now live. Feel free to browse and see some of my work. There's a link there that sends people to this site, so hopefully that gets even more people looking and appreciating your children's great work!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Comics Club Calendar

Here's the Comics Club Calendar for this year. Please download it, print it out and keep it someplace where you can see it:

Due to an overwhelming response, both Junior and Intermediate classes are full this term. So we are taking no new enrollments till next term sorry. If you still want comic, cartooning and illustration classes for your kids you can reach me via email regarding private sessions.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Comics Club Holiday Club July 2012!

Wow! What a week!

We had an awesome week long Holiday Comics Club these school holidays. The work everyone came up with was amazing. Many thanks to the parents that came up with the idea and for hosting it. We all had a blast. I took some photos of the kids work, sadly wasn't able to capture everything. I missed some of Yuvar's and Berni's work, but parents if you email me some photos of their work I'll put it up right away sorry guys :(

Remember you can click on the artwork to see a bigger version or Right click, "Save As" to download
Here are some examples of the students fantastic work!

Fill in the story: 
We had some great wacky results with this one.

Here's Roee's unfinished Story. Pretty amazing stuff, Piranhas, Zombies and dirty nappies! Having done the lesson before, Roee customized the ending even!

Here's Ophir's amazing comic she worked on over the course of 4 days! Written, penciled, inked and coloured. Proving that patience really does pay off.

Drawing bodies:
Day one was drawing faces, day three it was time to work on the rest of the body. The guys did some cool poses and outfits for their characters.

By Berni
By Inbar

By Augustin

By Rooe

By Luca

Character Profiles:
After a few days of character design workshops, the team were given the task of creating a profile for characters they created. It was awesome to see everyone's styles evolve. Some really imaginative results here:

Inbar create the psychedelic character "Gabe" I love how Inbar always takes time to give her drawings cool backgrounds.

Luca came up with "The Cheetah" Really nice choice of colours, cool pose and sharp inks. Very cool

Augustin's "Baldman" has the special power of being bald. If you are going bald or are already bald maybe there's a future for you as a superhero! Dig the expression and of course the catchphrase: "Respect your Elders!"

Ophir's Starly is looking great. The hair colour looks great and Ophir took to watercolour pencils really well. Thumbs up!

Origin Stories:
After creating their characters they delved into their past by drawing their characters pasts by drawing some fantastic Origin story comics.

Yuvar's origin story was of guy with a crazy telescopic head! Yuvar's comic might not be finished but that's only a testament to Yuvar's attention to detail.

Luca's The Cheeta. I like the added cape in the last panel for dramatic effect. You can't match the speed of cheetah man.

Augustin's Baldman. Sheild your eyes and hide your doughnuts, Baldman is after you!

Super Chole by Berni. The adventures of a flying cheerleader, I like how the criminal looks so bummed out, serves him right!

Ophir's Starly pencils. Check out panel threes great pose and the awesome background on the 5th panel. Starly is Jem for this generation!

Hotman and Coldman pencils by Inbar: It's cool how it's Inbar's style to keeps some of her construction lines in her work. my moneys on Hotman.

Thanks everyone for such a great week. I look forward to seeing how all your work progresses in the future. KEEP DRAWING 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

First Term SUCCESS!

We've had great first term at the ISH Comics Club!

The students have created some fantastic artwork, almost all it they've taken home with them after each lesson to proud show their friends and loved ones. I did get a chance to take some photos on my cellphone of some pictures and comics from our last lesson of the term this week.

Click on the post title to see the results.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Welcome to the Jungle! (Comics jungle, maybe?)

Welcome to the first post in the ISH Comics Club blog. Check our page regularly to keep up with the talented artwork and comics that the ISH members are coming up with.

We are almost at the end of the first term and classes have been fantastic! I'll be posting up selected comics from the students for you to download and share with your friends and family.

